A request was received from the Brno branch for the presentation of manufacturing data in the form of tele-wall located in the manufacturing hall. The tele-wall was comprised of eight LCD screens and after four years it was double extended. Using the InfoPanels system, data such as capacity, records of produced and exported pieces and the manufacturing plan is displayed. Data for the displays is taken from SAP, excel files and the company Intranet.
ABB is a leading global technology company providing technology for the energy sector and automation that enables energy and industrial enterprises to increase performance while lessening the impact of their activities on the environment. ABB has 135,000 employees in over 100 countries. ABB has been operating in the Czech Republic since 1970, and currently operates out of eight localities with almost 3,000 employees. Czech ABB has the opportunity to use international know-how, the most up to date research and development results and experience gained through global company development. ABB provides its customers with added value in the form of strong engineering background and service centres and the extensive experience of traditional Czech manufacturers. The main areas of business are the following divisions: Energy sector products, Energy sector systems, Production and drive automation, Low-voltage products, Process automation.