The EIS system uses the client -server network architecture and runs on MS Windows operating systems. Data is stored in the database and is processed and archived through the server. The system is logically divided into five basic parts:

  • EIS Server – ensures the collection, processing and storage of data in the whole system
  • EIS Terminal – identify users, visualize manufacturing lines, show manufacturing, etc. The resulting solution consists of components according to the individual requirements of the client.
  • EIS Production Manager – management and administration application for monitoring and control of production; generation of statistical summaries, reporting, other.
  • EIS Web Portal – authorized access to current manufacturing data through the web portal
  • ELVAC Historian – solution for long-term storage and archiving of large volumes of data


Detailed system requirements of individual SW parts of the EIS and supported database systems can be found in the chapter System requirements.

Versions, delivery of the system

  • complete delivery of HW and SW, including analysis, introductory configuration and activation of the system training of operators and service activities
  • turnkey solutions, including advice and links to third-party systems
  • only SW EIS
  • only HW – we supply your equipment exactly according to your requirements

For the EIS system we offer cooperation with our partner’s wide range of servers, client stations and input equipment. Detailed information can be found in the Chapter Hardware or please do not hesitate to contact us.


You can find examples of specific industrial solutions in our reference projects.